The Toops Boys

Sunday, April 25, 2010

March of Dimes

This was our first time doing the march of dimes walk and we did pretty good. The OSU pep band was there, a favorite of all the boys. So many of my coworkers were there and we saw lots of our NICU graduates and their families! It was wonderful to see.

Watching cousin Garrett.

It was a bit rainy, the boys were dirty, and I wanted a picture. This is the best I could do!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

First trip to the zoo this season.

Cameron smiling for the camera.

Owen and Gabe like these kind of tigers!

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More Zoo

Caged Owen
The Hughes Family

cameron at the petting zoo

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New toys at Grandpa tom and grandma laura's

The cars batteries were not quite charged enough, so the boys helped each other out!

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Easter at the Toops'

Gabe and his cousins.

Everyone wants to help our kids hunt eggs!
The boys with two of their cousins.
Our Boys.

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Getting ready for Easter.

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