The Toops Boys

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sippy cup help

I had just finished giving Cameron some food and look over and Gabe was helping Cameron with a sippy cup. I thought how cute is this, I should get a picture. Then I realized that Gabe had given Cameron his sippy cup. His sippy cup of real cows milk!! Quickly removed that cup and gave Gabe a different one for Cameron to use, then took my picture!


Swim Class

Cameron waiting for swim class.

Daddy and Gabe waiting for swim class to start.

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Gabe goes under water, mommy freaks out!!

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Cousin Pictures

We had a friend and co-worker of Grandpa Tom take some pictures of the boys when Jessie and Owen were in town for the holidays. Here are some of them. You can tell that Gabe likes to have his picture taken!!
