The Great Pumpkin
OK. Mom and Dad were much better prepared this year. (Last year we bought the very last pumpkin at Kroger the night before trick or treat.) Gabe finger painted his pumpkin, and he loved it. Nathan thought it would be fun to paint mom a bit and then Gabe thought the paint could also go on the face! Quickly learned that was not that good idea when he sucked his thumb and it did not taste so good! We tried to get Cameron to put some footprints on his pumpkin, but it did not turn out so well. We had a good time to say the least. Nathan and I decorated a pumpkin in our favorite presidential candidate. The following morning after a friend called me to tell me her two large pumpkins were stolen, I noticed our pumpkin was missing! I guess he did not like our choice. Luckily the boys pumpkins were still there. ( We will be bringing them in till Halloween!)