The Toops Boys

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Date Night

It was our Five year anniversary when we were in Florida. Grandma Laura and Great Grandma were willing to watch Gabe while we had a night on the town!! THANK YOU!!


Aunt Jessie and Gabe


St. Pete Beach Florida

We went to Florida to visit Great Grandma Rozecki. Grandma Laura and Aunt Jessie came to. This was our first trip to the Gulf Beach and in the ocean!! Gabe did not know what to think of the ocean floor or sand!!(But I am not fond of it either!!)


Grandma Laura and Grandpa Tom got a new pool! We had to be the first to try it out!! Gabe had a great time and loved his new water car!!


Practicing for fall

Gabe loved our big rake, we had to get him his own!

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He is just plain Crazy!!

Thanks Aunt Jessie and Uncle Ryan for my cool shirt! It fit!!


Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's

We really do not know what he is doing here, but he does it a lot and he loves it!! I Guess the world just looks better sometimes from this angle!!

Corn on the cobb will never be safe again!!

4th of July help

basketball with dad
