The Toops Boys

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just wanted to let everyone know Gabe is getting bigger!! We had our 6 week check-up and he is 10 lbs 8 oz and is 22.5 inches long!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sean and Beth's Wedding

"I love my Grandma!"
The first bottle that the grandparents got to feed Gabe

Hanging out at the house!

Mother's Day at the Toops

All of my cousins

Gabe Meets Uncle Michael

Thank you uncle michael for my neat stuff

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

All is ok now.

Some of you may be aware that we have been having a bit of trouble getting Gabe to gain weight since he came home from the hospital. He had never regained his birth weight and had been gaining very slowly.We had been going to the doctor each Monday to track his weight. This Monday, he had lost weight for the first time and he had been increasing in the amount and frequency of his spiting up. Gabe could hit about 12-14 inches with his projectile spitting. Our doctor wanted us to go and have an ultrasound done at Children's Close to Home to look at his pyloric muscle. And in fact, Gabe did have Pyloric Stenosis. Basically, it is a muscle near the bottom of his stomach that allows food to pass to the small intestine and his was doubled in size not allowing food to pass through. The only way the food could leave his stomach was to come back up. Apparently this is very common in first borns; they do not know how this occurs and the solution is surgery to loosen the muscle so food can pass easily. So that is what happened. Monday night Gabe went into surgery. Both sets of grandparents were at the hospital with us. Even though the surgery only took 20-30 minutes and recovery 1 hour, it still felt like a lifetime for all of us. Gabe came through just fine! We were able to start feeding slowly only a few hours later. He tolerated the food great! No spitting!! They let us come home Tuesday evening. Gabe is eating fine, still a bit sore we think so we are allowed to give him medicine but it puts him to sleep. We are all doing well now, getting rest and calming our nerves. There are some pictures of his bandages posted. He will have minimal scaring and there is no chance of recurrence. We can hold him but can not rock or sway with him and can't rub his belly(which he loves). Everything is going well now. Don't worry.

"I'm O.K."

Gabe Meets Jordan

Friday, May 05, 2006

The many faces of Gabe!